Idea 2
Emotions and Colours.
An idea for a short experimental. Expressing emotions with colour.
Red - Angry/Danger/
Yellow - Happy
Green - Jealousy
Blue - Sad, calm, tranquil/Cold
Blue - Sad, calm, tranquil/Cold
Purple - Disturbed
I could film this in many ways and wondered whether or not I should include actors.
I wanted to do a small experiment and so I asked a friend of mine, Emilie (who studies Drama at Brighton University) to show a ray of emotions for a photo shoot. I would then colour correct it to represent each emotion.
Happy (Yellow)
Sad (Blue)
Dangerous (Red)
Jealousy (Green)
Depressed/Empty (Black&White)
(Disturbed/Vulnerable "If It's Purple, Someones going to die")
An example of this would be from the film "Three Colours: Blue"

I love how the use of the colour blue features predominantly- a significant use of mise-en-scene throughout the piece. The use of the colour blue in for example, a blue chandelier or a blue-lit swimming pool, allows the director to permeate the colour’s meaning in the film, blue being a colour that connotes great sadness as well as liberty. The title also prepares the viewer into looking out for the colour, which heightens its effect.
So I started to think of different ways I could interpret the concept of colours and emotions without using actors.

I recently watched a film called 'Blue' which was made by filmmaker Derek Jarman a year before he succumbed fully to AIDS. Because of the illness he had become blind and In Blue, the color blue is all there is to see as Jarman tries to bring the audience into his vision-impaired world. Jarman offers his insights on life, love, disease, the meaning of art, and the symbology of the color blue over a blue screen. Actors, including Tilda Swinton and John Quentin, also read from Jarman's journals and poetry.
I liked the idea of using colours as a visual but also with dialogue. The colours would change as an emotion changed - calm to sad, sad to anger and fighting through anger to happiness. Many people slammed Derek Jarman's 'Blue' for the one colour used throughout the entire film and for my film idea I want to try something different and use many colours keeping the audience engaged and excited.
(This is all you see in the film 'Blue')

The red represents blood/danger/death.
I really liked this and it gave me a few ideas for my a film. The screen starts blank (and will represent the mind of a person) and through the film, as the situation for the character gets more stressful, thats when colours would be mixed like adrenaline.
I put it to the test and did another
Adding a mirror filter made the images more fascinating than before and the shapes they formed were scary! It added a touch of surrealism to the film which I loved. This fuelled me with more ideas to film. I could see faces and birds which would be a brilliant effect for a film on emotions.
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